Not sure which Mathcad is right for you?

Compare Mathcad Versions

Compare our free and full versions

PTC Mathcad Prime is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, and buying a license gets you access to all the latest product developments and full product functionality.

With PTC Mathcad Express however, you can trial full functionality for 30 days, after which you get basic functionality.

Use the table to understand what features you’ll miss out on if you don’t upgrade to the full version.


Select Your License: PTC Mathcad Express PTC Mathcad Prime (Full License)
Write Equations Using Natural Maths Notation
Spell Check
Hyperlinks in Text
Custom Margin, Header, Footer Sizes
Watermark and Start Page
Basic Math
Automatic Update of Calculations
Algebra and Trigonometry Operators and Functions
Comprehensive Documentation
Standardize Engineering Processes Using Templates
Content Protection
Equation Wrapping
X-Y Plots
Advanced Plot Types Polar, Contour, 3D*
Advanced Math
Evaluate Expressions Symbolically
Solve systems of linear, non-linear and differential equations
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Numeric Functions
API Guide
Include worksheet region
Excel Component
Combo Box Input Control
Insert Object

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